Virtual Room 1
Feb 04, 2021 01:30 PM - 03:30 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20210204T1330 20210204T1530 Europe/Amsterdam Closing Plenary

The Closing Plenary will be open to the public. If you are not registered for the Congress, please sign up here to receive the link.


13:30 - 13:35

Welcoming Participants and Recap of the Previous EventsPiotr Lorens, General Rapporteur, 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress13:35 - 13:45Opening StatementMartin Dubbeling, President, ISOCARP13:45 - 14:30Place-leaders Roundtable - Urban Green DealsChair/Moderator: Shipra Narang Suri, Coordinator of Urban Planning and Design Branch UN-Habitat, Nairobi Discussants:Pascal Smet, State Secretary responsible for Urbanism and Heritage, Brussels-Capital Region, BelgiumBima Arya, Mayor of Bogor City, IndonesiaBelinda Scott, Cllr, Deputy Mayor of Ethekwini Municipality (Durban), South AfricaBerry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener, CanadaJakub Mazur, Deputy Mayor of Wroclaw Ibrahim Abbas, Director of Infrastructure Planning Department, Ministry of Municipality and Environment, QatarTom Meeuws, Vice-Mayor of Antwerp, BelgiumPirouz Hanachi, Mayor of Tehran14:30 - 15:05Congress Summary and ReflectionsGeneral Rapporteurs: Piotr Lorens & Hangwelani Hope MagidimishaCongress Team:Track 1: Matej Niksic & Ni MindongTrack 2: Hanna Obracht-Prondzynska & Lorraine GonzalesTrack 3: Serin Geambazu & Alexander AntonovTrack 4: Elizabeth Reynolds & Pedro Ressano GarciaTrack 5: Laura Verdelli & Eric HuybrechtsTrack 6: Rajendra Kumar & Elisabeth BelpaireTrack 7: Olga Chepelianskaia & Pedro B OrtizSpecial Track: Nasim Iranmanesh & Francois Vienne15:05 - 15:1056th ISOCARP World Planning Congress DeclarationDushko Bogunovich, Board Member, ISOCARP15:10 - 15:15Closing RemarksChristine Knudsen, Director for External Relations, UN-Habitat15:15 -15:20 Closing RemarksReza Pourvaziry, Chair, Urban Economy Forum15:20 - 15:25Handing Ove ...

Virtual Room 1 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual Congress
15 attendees saved this session

The Closing Plenary will be open to the public. If you are not registered for the Congress, please sign up here to receive the link.


13:30 - 13:35

Welcoming Participants and Recap of the Previous Events
Piotr Lorens, General Rapporteur, 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress

13:35 - 13:45Opening Statement
Martin Dubbeling, President, ISOCARP

13:45 - 14:30Place-leaders Roundtable - Urban Green Deals

Chair/Moderator: Shipra Narang Suri, Coordinator of Urban Planning and Design Branch UN-Habitat, Nairobi 


Pascal Smet, State Secretary responsible for Urbanism and Heritage, Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium
Bima Arya, Mayor of Bogor City, Indonesia
Belinda Scott, Cllr, Deputy Mayor of Ethekwini Municipality (Durban), South Africa
Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener, Canada
Jakub Mazur, Deputy Mayor of Wroclaw 
Ibrahim Abbas, Director of Infrastructure Planning Department, Ministry of Municipality and Environment, Qatar
Tom Meeuws, Vice-Mayor of Antwerp, Belgium
Pirouz Hanachi, Mayor of Tehran

14:30 - 15:05Congress Summary and Reflections
General Rapporteurs: Piotr Lorens & Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha

Congress Team:
Track 1: Matej Niksic & Ni Mindong
Track 2: Hanna Obracht-Prondzynska & Lorraine Gonzales
Track 3: Serin Geambazu & Alexander Antonov
Track 4: Elizabeth Reynolds & Pedro Ressano Garcia
Track 5: Laura Verdelli & Eric Huybrechts
Track 6: Rajendra Kumar & Elisabeth Belpaire
Track 7: Olga Chepelianskaia & Pedro B Ortiz
Special Track: Nasim Iranmanesh & Francois Vienne

15:05 - 15:1056th ISOCARP World Planning Congress Declaration
Dushko Bogunovich, Board Member, ISOCARP

15:10 - 15:15Closing Remarks
Christine Knudsen, Director for External Relations, UN-Habitat

15:15 -15:20 Closing Remarks
Reza Pourvaziry, Chair, Urban Economy Forum

15:20 - 15:25Handing Over to Doha - 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress

15:25 - 15:30Closing Words
Frank D'hondt, ISOCARP Secretary General

Master of Ceremonies: Piotr Lorens & Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha

Senior Planner
Clackamas County
Manager of International affairs
Institut Paris Region
+ 12 more speakers. View All
 Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha
SARChI chair for Inclusive Cities, Academic Leader for Planning and Housing
University of Kwazulu-Natal
Prof Piotr Lorens
Professor, Head of the Department
Gdansk University of Technology
Dr Michael Karassowitsch
Professor, Acting Design Chair
VIT Vellore School of Planning and Architecture
Mr Mukhlis Silmi Kaffah
Bandung Institute of Technology
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