Plenary Event Virtual Room 1
Nov 09, 2020 01:30 PM - 03:30 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20201109T1330 20201109T1530 Europe/Amsterdam Plenary Event: Post-Oil City: Planning for Urban Green Deals

Programme13:30 - 13:40Announcement of Practicalities and Welcoming Participants13:40 - 14:00Keynote Presentation - The Post-Oil City ParadigmProf Steffen Lehmann, Director, Urban Futures Lab and UNLV School of Architecture14:00 - 14:15Keynote Presentation - Urban Green DealsRoheyatou Lowe, Lord Mayor of Banjul, Gambia14:15 - 14:20Comment on the Prospects of Global Climate ActionsProf. Em. Bruce Stiftel, FAICP, Atlanta, Georgia 14:20 - 14:40Panel DiscussionChair/Moderator: Pietro Elisei, Founder and Managing Director, Urbasofia Panellists:Camilla Ween, UEF Steering Committee Member Laura Petrella, Chief PFES, UN-HabitatDushko Bogunovich, Board Member, ISOCARPShi Nan, Secretary General of Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC) 14:40 - 14:50 Launching and Presentation of ISOCARP Review 16: Post-Oil UrbanismMalgorzata Hanzl, Board Member and Director for Publications, ISOCARPMahak Agrawal, Editor, ISOCARP ReviewJim Reilly, Editor, ISOCARP ReviewRicardo Moura, Designer, ISOCARP Review14:50 - 15:20Awards for Excellence - Announcement and Presentation of Winning ProjectsAna Peric, Board Member and Director for Awards and Communication and Marketing, ISOCARP 15:20 - 15:25Presentation of the Draft Congress DeclarationKate Holmquist, Secretary, ISOCARP Scientific Committee15:25 - 15:30Closing Words and Other AnnouncementsFrank D'hondt, Secretary General, ISOCARPMaster of Ceremonies: Piotr Lorens & Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha
Virtual Room 1 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Virtual Congress
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13:30 - 13:40
Announcement of Practicalities and Welcoming Participants
13:40 - 14:00Keynote Presentation - The Post-Oil City Paradigm
Prof Steffen Lehmann, Director, Urban Futures Lab and UNLV School of Architecture

14:00 - 14:15Keynote Presentation - Urban Green Deals
Roheyatou Lowe, Lord Mayor of Banjul, Gambia

14:15 - 14:20
Comment on the Prospects of Global Climate Actions
Prof. Em. Bruce Stiftel, FAICP, Atlanta, Georgia 

14:20 - 14:40Panel Discussion

Chair/Moderator: Pietro Elisei, Founder and Managing Director, Urbasofia 


Camilla Ween, UEF Steering Committee Member 
Laura Petrella, Chief PFES, UN-Habitat
Dushko Bogunovich, Board Member, ISOCARP
Shi Nan, Secretary General of Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC) 

14:40 - 14:50 Launching and Presentation of ISOCARP Review 16: Post-Oil Urbanism
Malgorzata Hanzl, Board Member and Director for Publications, ISOCARP
Mahak Agrawal, Editor, ISOCARP Review
Jim Reilly, Editor, ISOCARP Review
Ricardo Moura, Designer, ISOCARP Review

14:50 - 15:20Awards for Excellence - Announcement and Presentation of Winning Projects
Ana Peric, Board Member and Director for Awards and Communication and Marketing, ISOCARP 

15:20 - 15:25Presentation of the Draft Congress Declaration
Kate Holmquist, Secretary, ISOCARP Scientific Committee

15:25 - 15:30Closing Words and Other Announcements
Frank D'hondt, Secretary General, ISOCARP

Master of Ceremonies: Piotr Lorens & Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha

Professor Emeritus
Georgia Institute of Technology
ETH Zurich
Director, Urban Futures Lab and UNLV School of Architecture
UNLV School of Architecture
 Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha
SARChI chair for Inclusive Cities, Academic Leader for Planning and Housing
University of Kwazulu-Natal
Prof Piotr Lorens
Professor, Head of the Department
Gdansk University of Technology
Ms Beatrice Hati Gitundu
Urban environment and climate change specialist
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Slum Dwellers International- Kenya
School of Planning and Architecture
Senior Lecturer
School of Public Policy, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Mr Sebastian Lange
Project Management Officer
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