Frank D'hondt, ISOCARP Secretary General and Co-chair of the World Planning Congress Committee

"We are no longer dreaming but stepwise (re)designing cities powered by renewable energies where citizens move around by mostly walking, cycling and using public transport. The transition into the post-oil City still needs a sea-change though and it will require thoughtful planning and change management. The 56th World Planning Congress in Doha will provide a platform to cross-fertilize urban theory and praxis for innovative urban green deals"

As a sustainability planner, personally I cannot wait to see the new city emerging from the sea of oil (or coal and gas) we cherished for too many decades. A city powered by renewable energies where citizens move around by walking, cycling and using affordable high-quality public transport. The transition into the post-oil City won't happen overnight though - it will require thoughtful planning and change management. The International Society of City and Regional Planners provides a unique platform to cross-fertilize urban theory and praxis. The 56th and first virtual World Planning Congress will mark a milestone to make happen what was once unimaginable and then inevitable, spurred by an unprecedented global health, economic and environmental crisis.


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