Watch the prerecorded presentations of Congress Presenters - Track 3

Track 3 | Session 1. Redefining Urban Connectivity from Network Planning to Local Design 

Nacer Eddine Bezai, Benachir Medjdoub, Fodil Fadli, Moulay Chalal, Amin Al-Habaibeh
Autonomous vehicles and smart cities: future directions of ownership vs shared mobility.
Ayesha Anwar, Leng Hong, Afia Zubair Raja
Effect of Transport Infrastructure in changing the urban form of a historical city: A case study of Lahore
Huihui Yan, Runzhi Huang, Yunming Geng
Research on quantitative analysis method of street space quality evaluation--illustrated by the case of Wuhan City Center
Li Xin, ZHU Chunxi, ZHONG Yujia
Study on land-use around rail transit stations based on TOD theory Taking Wudaokou subway station in Beijing as an example
Ekaterina Saveleva
Post-Soviet Street Patterns: Measuring Network Connectivity in the Largest Russian Cities
Sijia Fan
Replicable Resilient School Entrance Space Design of "Jiangsu Provincial Exemplary Livable Community"

Track 3 | Session 2. Post-COVID mobility: modeling the future 


Mark David Major
Macro- and micro-scale modeling of multi-modal transportation spatial networks in the city-state of Doha, Qatar


Xiaochen Wu
Characteristics of Spatial Connection Based on Intercity Passenger Traffic Flow in Harbin-Changchun Urban Agglomeration, China

 Yan Xiao, Bingxin Wang
Quantitative Analysis on the Topological Structures of Urban Street Networks

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