ISOCARP Annual World Congresses

Founded in 1965, the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) has grown to become a global network of city and regional planners, creating and sharing knowledge for better cities, promoting education and planning practice, and supporting city and regional planners in all places and all fields of activity – professional practice, administration, policy making, teaching and research.

One of the main activities of ISOCARP is the organisation of its annual World Congress which focuses on a planning theme of foremost international interest. Attended by some 350-500 delegates, ISOCARP congresses are small enough for personal interchange of ideas on a given theme, yet big enough to encompass a broad professional and international range. The congresses are open to ISOCARP Members (reduced congress fees), but our Society heartily welcomes non-members (individuals, parties or organisations). The Congresses provide a platform for establishing professional as well as personal contacts with colleagues from all around the world.

The Congress takes place in a different city every year. ISOCARP has held congresses on vital topics in the field of city and regional planning in every year since 1965. Combining a unique, triple perspective in theory, policy and practice, ISOCARP has pioneered the focus of the planning profession on issues such as regional urban planning (1966), urban regeneration (1981), planning for land and water (1998), the creative economy (2005) and low carbon cities (2009).

Past editions of ISOCARP Congresses (2011-2019):

 Beyond the Metropolis 

55th ISOCARP Congress,
Jakarta/Bogor, Indonesia,
9-13 September 2019

 Cool Planning: Changing Climate and Our Urban Future

54th ISOCARP Congress,
Bodø, Norway,
1-5 October 2018

Smart Communities

53rd ISOCARP Congress;
Joint Conference ISOCARP-OAPA
Portland, Oregon, USA,
24-27 October 2017

 Cities we Have 
vs Cities we Need

52nd ISOCARP Congress
Durban, South Africa,
12-16 September 2016

 Cities Save the World: 
Let's Reinvent Planning

51st ISOCARP Congress
Rotterdam, Netherlands,
19-23 October 2015

 Urban Transformations 
– Cities and Water

50th ISOCARP Congress
Gdynia, Poland,
23-26 September 2014

Frontiers of Planning – Evolving and declining models of city planning practice

49th ISOCARP Congress
Brisbane, Australia,
1-4 October 2013

 Fast Forward: Planning in a (hyper) dynamic urban context

48th ISOCARP Congress
Perm, Russia,
10-13 September 2012

 Liveable Cities: Urbanising World. Meeting the challenge

47th ISOCARP Congress
Wuhan, PR China,
24-28 October 2011

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